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The goal of this project was to design a device that measures oxygen saturation in arterial blood in order to detect lung damage due to Covid-19.  It was an independent project through my Engineering Design class where I used C++ through the Arduino Uno. The end product was a prototype that effectively measures the subject's SpO2 levels as well as their heart rate.

Pulse Oximeter: Welcome


These were the objectives I wanted to reach and their corresponding metrics. This helped me keep my goals in mind when brainstorming ways to create the device.

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Pulse Oximeter: Welcome


These are the constraints and corresponding metrics used to organize and prioritize my ideas. These constraints were necessities for my projects, while the objectives were things I am aiming for.

Pulse Oximeter: Welcome
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My glass box analysis in this figure shows the inputs, process, and output. I decided to use the Arduino along with LEDs to shine light through the finger and measure oxygen saturation using a photodiode. I would then project the readings onto an LCD screen.

Pulse Oximeter: Welcome


The final result was a pulse oximeter that effectively measured blood saturation and heart rate using the Arduino powered by a computer and encased in a plastic box cut to size using a Dremel tool I had at home. I used a green LED to represent blood saturation as healthy (95% or above) and the red LED to represent blood saturation as unhealthy (<95%).

Pulse Oximeter: About
Pulse Oximeter: Work
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