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COVID-19 Solution Design Competition Spring '21


We were tasked to create a solution to a problem that COVID-19 presents. 

Brainstorm process:

The design process began with a brainstorm of problems that COVID-19 prevents and solutions that go along with them. Our final choice was the decision to make a device which would prevent people from touching their faces. Mechanical and non-mechanical methods of preventing face touching were considered. Ultimately, it was decided to build a wearable device which would not prevent physical touch but catalyze a change in behavior.


Unfortunately, right when we chose our idea, my teammate and I were exposed to COVID-19 from our roommate and had to go into BU's isolation housing. While we were separated, we worked on our idea in our separate rooms over FaceTime. Our solution consisted of an ultrasonic sensor, piezo capsule, and red LED lights all controlled by an Arduino Uno I programmed using C++. After we were finally out of quarantine, we were able to assemble the parts.


Our detection device was a success. When someone attempted to touch their face, the LED lights would flash and the piezo capsule would sound to alert the user. We then presented our product using Engineering report style and a video. We were awarded second place for our accomplishments.

COVID-19 Detection Hat: Text
COVID-19 Detection Hat: Video
COVID-19 Detection Hat: Pro Gallery
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